Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Proposition 8

40 years is a long time. Lets see.

Imagine a white American woman marrying a Kenyan man and having a bi-racial child. They're doing two things (47 years ago). 
  1. They're ruining the sanctity of "real" marriages.
  2. They're creating an "abomination" (our President-Elect) YAY!
40 years ago is a long time...

But here we are in 2008, and all there is to offer is ............. *drum roll*.............Proposition 8. Really?! I thought propositions were a little more fun than that. Kidding! Jeez...Next thing you know, gays are promiscuous because of comments like that.

In all seriousness though, people were upset that the school system would have to change? That teachers would have to tell children that Daddy and Daddy are the same as Mommy and Daddy? That Mommy and Mommy is the same as Daddy and wife number 5? Or Mommy and stepdad? 

What about heterosexual single mommy? OH NO! WHAT DO WE TELL THEM!?! What do we tell the children already experiencing this!? A-HA! We won't tell them, just like we won't tell them about *cough* pre-marital sex *cough* because it won't happen if we don't tell them about it................. :stares:

Proposition 8 is a load of crap. You're not telling me who I can love, but you're saying I can't love in sickness and in health, legally. 

Meanwhile, people are upset when cows and chickens and these poor little animals don't have enough room to live. 

Hey Gays! Get in line.....Behind those cage free chickens please.

Oh right....and the two honduran men who overstayed their visas.... yeah.. YOU TWO...get back there with those gays.

Now, don't worry. I won't just complain. That's not the only thing I do. What I will propose is expanding upon the different types of campaigns that people in the LGBTQ community participate in. Is gay marriage important? Yes. But to be able to reach across the borders on different issues can really improve (I think) the way the community is perceived--and the louder the LGBTQ voice will be. 

It's a start. I'm sure LGBTQ leaders are talking about this. 

All I know is that I have a wonderful, loving partner, with a wonderful supportive family. We're strong women in pursuit of successful, powerful careers. Most of all, we're in love, and see a long future ahead of us (50 years...What do you say honey?) 

I hear there is another proposition floating out there....Proposition 9 :

Ban divorce! Then maybe 50% of the heterosexual couples who get married will stay married!

The point is that there is a CHOICE. What? CHOICE?! Right.

I don't vote on your marriage... why are you voting on mine?

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